These terms and conditions applies to the use of is owned by TRUCKVIKING, VAT-number. DK-40019545, address Navervej 18C, 7000 Fredericia, phone 004531354340, e-mail address

Agreements are entered into in English.

The right of cancellation only apply to private customers which uses for their purchases. Businesses do not have a right of cancellation.

Payment and delivery

We accept payment by Apple Pay, Maestro, Mastercard credit card, Mastercard debit card, Mobilepay, Visa, Visa debet.

The amount owed is collected when the products are shipped.

If you have bought multiple products, and one or some of them are not available, the full amount is not collected until all products have been shipped.

Prices are shown in danish kroner. Further fees might be added to the order, depending on the shipping and payment method chosen during checkout.

Your order is delivered to you 1-14 days after your purchase.

We ship orders using GLS.
We ship to the following countries: France, Greenland, Netherlands, Ireland, Croatia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Monaco, Romania, Slovenia, Austria, Finland, Poland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Belgium, Estonia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Denmark.

Return policy

As a private customer you have the right to cancel/return your order within 14 days without any reason given.

The right of cancellation expires 14 days after the day that you (or someone accepting on behalf of you) receive the product.

If you order multiple products and we are unable to deliver all products at the same time, the right of cancellation expires 14 days after you receive the last product.

If the right of cancellation expires on a national holiday (sellers country) the right of cancellation is extended until the following business day.

How to make us of your right of cancellation

Simply let us know that you would like to return the products in question. You can send a physical letter or an e-mail to TRUCKVIKING, Navervej 18C, 7000 Fredericia, 004531354340,

You can also choose to use the EU-required standard cancellation form, although this is not mandatory.
The period available for cancellation is considered observed if you send us a message within the 14 days, and ship the products to us shortly thereafter.

Returning products and price of shipping

If you would like to return a product, you must send or deliver it to Navervej 18C, 7000 Fredericia without necessary delay, and no later than 14 days after you have told us, that you would like to return the product.

The products cannot be sent as "recipient pays shipping" or without delivery to our address.

You must pay for the shipping of the product back to us.

Getting your money back after a cancellation/return

When we receive a cancellation we return all payments received from you, including cost of payment and initial shipment. We transfer the funds shortly after receiving the product.

We return the funds by same method as the initial payment, unless you have explicitly asked for another option. Under any circumstance, you will not have to pay any fees related to the transfer of the funds.

Testing the product and breaking the packaging

When returning a product, the value of the product might have decreased as a result of the way it has been handled. Although the value can only decrease if the product has been handled in ways other than those necessary to determine the usability and properties of the product.
You are allowed to examine the item in a manner similar to the manner you can handle and test a product in a physical store. If the product has been handled in a way that decreases its resell value, we will only be able to refund an amount less than the original paid amount.
You must return the product in its original wrapping/package.
Furthermore you should make sure that the package is securely wrapped when sending it back. You are responsible for the package until we receive it. Make sure to save the receipt from the postal service and/or track and trace number.

Faulty products - If the product is broken

If you buy a product and there is a defect in it - for example, a material or manufacturing defect - the rules of the Danish Sale of Goods Act apply. You have a 24-month warranty, provided you make a complaint within a reasonable time. If you complain within 2 months, the complaint will always be timely. Get more information on our RMA page.

You can also use the complaint form, which you can download here.

If the complaint is justified, we will refund your (reasonable) shipping costs.

Remember that the item must always be sent in proper packaging and get a receipt for dispatch. Save the postal receipt including information about shipping costs and any track and trace number.

Privacy policy

We understand and respect the importance of privacy on the Internet. We will not disclose information about customers or website visitors to third parties unless it is necessary to complete a transaction. We will not sell or distribute your name, address, e-mail or other personal data to any third party without your explicit consent.

Information about appeal procedures

A complaint about a product or a service bought from us can be sent to Center for Klageløsning, Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg. You can send complaints to Center for Klageløsning via this link.
The EU-Commissions online complaint portal can also be used. This is especially relevant for consumers living in a EU country other than ours. Complaints can be submitted here - When submitting a complaint you must enter our e-mail address